Sustainability is one of the crucial issues on the agenda of almost all ltalian companies, especially mono and multi-utilities. However, only in less than one out of three companies it becomes an integrated business strategy. The “Seize the Change” report drawn up in 2020 by Ernst & Young highlights how out of 194 listed companies, 96% report their energy emissions, but only 32% define a medium-long term Sustainability pian. The case of Acque Bresciane, manager of the water service in over 90 municipalities in the Province of Brescia, shows how the process of integrating sustainability at a strategie level, together with the publication of a pian oriented towards a long-term perspective (and also measurable year by year) can lead to the implementation and correct monitoring of sustainable actions and how this choice can effectively lead the behaviors of all workers and company stakeholders.
Fonte: Minfrastrutture Utilities